Self Sponsored Visa UK

The UK does not currently have a self sponsorship visa UK. However, there are several options for those who want to start or move their business to the country and employ workers there.

If you already have an existing business in the UK, a Skilled Worker visa may be one option. With this visa, a company can sponsor skilled workers. This visa allows sponsoring companies to hire skilled workers from overseas to work permanently in the UK.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, a company needs to obtain a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS), a unique document that allows the sponsoring company to employ foreign workers. The Certificate of Sponsorship confirms that the company is authorized to hire foreign staff and that the vacancy cannot be filled by local professionals.

Another interesting option is to set up a company in the UK with a British manager. In this case, the foreigner can be a shareholder in the company. After all the necessary documents have been completed and the company has obtained a Skilled Worker license, the shareholder can try to obtain a Skilled Worker visa for himself and thus move to the UK and thus obtain a self-sponsorship visa.

Requirements for Skill Worker Visa

In order to obtain a skilled worker visa through self-sponsorship in the UK, a candidate must meet a number of criteria. Understanding and meeting these requirements is essential to successfully complete the visa application process. The following are the basic requirements for candidates:

  • Valid sponsorship license: The company you plan to work for (or are a shareholder in) must have a valid sponsorship license.
  • Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS): The sponsoring company must provide you with a certificate of sponsorship confirming your eligibility to work for that company.
  • Job Match: Your role or position within the company must meet the standard occupation code stipulated by the UK government.
  • Minimum Wage: You must be earning the minimum wage or salary stipulated for your occupation or position.
  • Proof of English Language Proficiency: You must provide a certificate proving that you have English language skills at the required level.
  • Tuberculosis screening (if applicable): Citizens from certain countries must provide the results of a medical examination for tuberculosis.
  • Criminal Check: Certain professions may require a criminal background check.

Compliance with all the above requirements will ensure that you can obtain a skilled worker visa in the UK self sponsored visa.

How to Obtain a Skilled Worker Visa Through Self-Sponsorship Visa

A number of actions will be required to obtain a skilled worker visa in the UK. These steps guide you through the visa application process and ensure that you successfully complete all immigration requirements. The steps below will help you navigate the process:

  • Set up a company in the UK

In this step, you must register a company in accordance with the laws of the UK. Setting up a company is necessary so that your business is officially recognized and can operate in the country.

  • Apply for a Skilled Worker sponsorship license

This step is mandatory so that your company can hire skilled employees from abroad. The license entitles your company to sponsor foreign workers.

  • Issue a Certificate of Sponsorship

After obtaining a sponsorship license, the company is authorized to issue certificates of sponsorship (CoS) to potential employees. This certificate confirms that the company wants to hire a particular foreign employee and he or she meets the requirements for the selected position.

  • Apply for a skilled worker visa

At this stage, the potential employee applies for a skilled worker visa. In order to do so, they must provide all the necessary documents, including the sponsorship certificate, and meet all the requirements for this type of visa.

Understanding each of these steps and following them consistently will ensure that you successfully obtain a skilled worker visa in the UK. The process may seem daunting, but completing it successfully will allow you to work and grow in one of the world’s leading economies.

Salary Requirements

Applying for a skilled worker visa in the UK requires special attention to detail, as the Home Office is keen to ensure that the applicant is actually qualified and that the vacant position is genuine. Key aspects to consider when applying include the need for the proposed job to meet a certain level of qualification, usually RQF level 3 or above. The salary offered must meet the minimum requirements, usually £26,200 per annum, although in some cases less may be offered, subject to additional ‘bargaining’ points.

It is also important to make sure that the position offered is genuine and does not involve carrying out ongoing or routine work for third parties. The relationship between the employer and the applicant should be direct, even if the latter plans to work abroad. Finally, employers should avoid seeking sponsors for positions that mainly involve performing routine tasks for third parties.

Information You Need To Provide To Obtain a Sponsor License

The UK Home Office may require additional information and documentation to verify the authenticity of your company. When a company intends to apply for a sponsorship license, it should be prepared to provide the following information:

  1. A detailed description of the reasons why your company needs a sponsorship license for skilled tradespeople, as well as clarify your company’s scope and work schedule.
  1. A detailed organizational chart identifying all key individuals: owners, managers, and executive board members.
  1. A list of all employees, including their names and positions held, if the company has less than 50 employees.
  1. Information about the positions the company intends to fill and submit to CoS. This should specify the position title, responsibilities, location within the company, guaranteed pay level, and required skills and experience for the candidate.
  1. If a candidate has already been identified for a particular vacancy for which a CoS is to be issued, but the vacancy has not been formally advertised, a rationale must be provided for the selection of that candidate, including their personal details and the rationale for their professional suitability.

This information will allow the Home Office to verify that your company really needs qualified workers and that the proposed vacancies are real and relevant.

How to Obtain a Sponsorship License

Applying for a skilled worker visa in the UK consists of several steps that need to be followed in sequence. Regardless of your location, be it the UK or another country, the initial steps of the process will be the same. Below is a detailed plan of action:

  1. Filling the online form on the UKVI website: On the official website of the UK Visas and Immigration Authority (UKVI), you need to fill the appropriate form by providing all the requested information.
  1. Confirming Biometrics: After filling the form, you will need to make an appointment and visit the nearest biometric center to submit your biometrics (fingerprints and photograph).
  1. Submission of documents: Based on the information provided in your application, you will be required to upload or send the necessary documents that prove your qualifications and eligibility to work.
  1. Payment of Fee: Depending on the length and type of visa, you will need to pay the appropriate fee.
  1. Waiting for a decision: Once you have submitted your application and all the required documents, the processing of your case will begin. It usually takes up to 3 weeks to process your application, but this can vary depending on the circumstances.

Once the application is complete, you will receive a decision notice.

If your application is approved, the next stage will be to obtain a visa sticker in your passport and, if necessary, further instructions before entering the UK.

Familiarize yourself with each of the steps carefully and follow all instructions to increase your chances of successfully obtaining a visa.

How Much Does It Cost To Apply For a Sponsorship License

A Skilled Worker sponsorship license in the UK has different costs depending on the size of your business. The definition of ‘small’, ‘medium’ and ‘large’ business is based on certain criteria including turnover and number of employees.

Small business

If your company is classified as a small business, the cost of a Skilled Worker sponsorship license is £490.

Medium and large business 

For medium and large sized companies, the cost of the license may be higher. While exact figures may vary, it is important to consult official sources or legal advisors to find out the current rates.

In addition to the initial license fee, companies may also face additional fees depending on the specific terms of their application. In addition, consider the cost of license renewal, which is typically required every four years. Renewal fees can also vary depending on the size of the business.