Youth Mobility Scheme Visa

The UK Youth Mobility Visa is a type of visa designed for young people who want to spend a period of time in the UK for the purpose of traveling, working or studying. It is available to nationals of certain countries between the ages of 18 and 30 and allows you to live and work in the UK for two years.

However, it is important to note that the UK Youth Mobility Visa is not intended for those who plan to relocate to the UK permanently. As such, dependents are not eligible for this visa as it is designed for temporary residence, not permanent residency.

However, once this visa is completed, its holder may consider applying for other types of visas that may entitle them to long term or permanent residence in the UK. This may be the first step towards long-term or permanent residence for those who have found their calling in the UK or wish to continue their career or education here.

Requirements For a Youth Mobility Scheme UK

In order to obtain a UK Youth Mobility Visa, each applicant must meet a number of strict requirements. These requirements have been set by the UK government to ensure that the visa is used only for its intended purpose.

  • Nationality: applicants must be a national of one of the countries participating in the Youth Mobility Scheme.
  • Age: applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 30 at the time of application.
  • Financial security: applicants must have at least £2,530 in their bank account at the time of application to ensure they can live in the UK without recourse to state aid.
  • Visa availability: the applicant must not have previously received a UK Youth Mobility Visa.
  • No children: the applicant must not have any children who live with them permanently or for whom they are liable to support.
  • Commitments: the applicant must not have any commitments that prevent them from leaving their home country for an extended period of time.

Compliance with all of the above requirements will ensure successful completion of the UK Youth Mobility Visa application process.

What is The Number Of Places For a Youth Mobility Visa

There is a limit on the number of places available for different countries to participate in the UK youth mobility scheme visa. This is to ensure an even distribution of opportunities between participating countries.

Below is a table showing the number of places available for each country:

Country Number of seats
Australia 35,000
New Zealand 13,000
Canada 8,000
Japan 1,500
Iceland 1 000
India 3,000
Monaco 1 000
Taiwan 1 000
Hong Kong 1 000
Republic of Korea 1 000
San Marino 1 000
Andorra 100 (effective January 31, 2024)

Youth Mobility Visa UK India

Indian nationals wishing to participate in the UK Youth Mobility Visa program must meet a number of specific requirements. These conditions ensure uniform and effective participation in the program.

  • Obtaining an official invitation to participate in the youth mobility program.
  • Completion of the application form within the deadlines specified in the invitation.
  • Submission of the unique identification number provided with the invitation.
  • Submission of an up-to-date criminal record certificate issued by local authorities or the police, the date of issue of which is not earlier than 6 months prior to the date of application.
  • Having an education or qualification that meets or exceeds RQF level 6.

Compliance with these conditions ensures that candidates from India have an equal opportunity to participate and successfully complete the selection process under this program.

Voting Process For UK Youth Mobility Visa

Nationals of certain countries who wish to participate in the UK Youth Mobility Visa program must first complete a voting process. If you are from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong (with an ATS passport), the Republic of Korea or India, you will need to register to vote before you can apply for the program.

This step is introduced to ensure a fair selection of candidates. Once the voting is complete, the UK Home Office will randomly select participants who will be eligible to make a formal visa application.

It is important to note that the periods for voting are set and fixed: January and July each year. That said, each voting cycle is open for only 48 hours. Potential participants should pay attention to these dates in order not to miss their chance to participate in the program.

Financial Requirements For Youth Mobility Visa

In order to successfully obtain a UK Youth Mobility Visa, an applicant must meet certain financial requirements set by the UK authorities. One of the key criteria is to have the required amount in the applicant’s bank account. By the time the visa application is submitted, the candidate must have at least £2,530 in the account. It is important to emphasize that these funds must be maintained in the bank account for at least 28 consecutive days prior to the application.

Also, candidates applying for this type of visa should note that they should not have any dependents under the age of 18 who are financially dependent on them. This means that those who have children under the age of 18 who are financially responsible for them will not be able to meet this criterion for the UK Youth Mobility Visa.

Conditions of Stay On a Youth Mobility Visa

Persons staying in the UK under the UK Youth Mobility Visa program must comply with certain conditions of stay. First of all, participants of this program are prohibited to engage in professional sports activities or work as coaches in sports.

As for labor activity, the holders of this visa can work independently, but they will face certain restrictions. For example, they must not have employees and the entire value of equipment used in the business must not exceed £5,000. In addition, the only location from which they can operate their business is their home address.

It is important to emphasize that those in the UK under the UK Youth Mobility Visa program are not granted access to government funds or welfare payments. This means that program participants cannot claim government social support as part of their stay in the country.

What Documents Are Required To Apply For a Visa

In order to successfully apply for a UK Youth Mobility Visa, applicants need to provide a number of important documents. These documents will help prove your identity, financial status and other key aspects.

Some of the key documents that need to be provided include:

  • A passport that proves your identity and citizenship. Make sure your passport has at least one unused page for the visa.
  • A bank statement that proves you have at least £2,530 in your account, and these funds must have been in your account for at least 28 days out of the last 31 days prior to the date of application.
  • TB test result if required depending on where you live.

It is also worth noting that all documents submitted in a foreign language must be provided with an official English translation.

The Process Of Obtaining a Youth Mobility Visa

The process of obtaining a UK Youth Mobility Visa involves several key steps. Understanding each of these steps will help you successfully complete the visa process and begin your journey in the UK. Here are the steps you need to take:

  • Voting

First of all, make sure you are a citizen of one of the eligible countries.

Apply to vote, which is usually held in January and July each year. Voting is available for 48 hours.

Wait for the results of the voting. If you have been selected, you will receive an invitation to apply for a visa.

  • Document Collection

Prepare and collect all the necessary documents required for your application. This includes your passport, bank statement, TB test result and other supporting documents.

  • Applying

Go to the official UK Visas and Immigration website and find the section dedicated to UK Youth Mobility Visa.

Fill out the online form following the instructions and guidelines on the website.

Pay the application fee.

  • Visit the visa application center

Once you have successfully submitted your application, you will be asked to make an appointment for an interview at the nearest visa application center.

Bring all supporting documents to the interview and be prepared to answer questions about your travel and intentions.

  • Decision

After the interview, expect a decision on your visa. If the decision is positive, you will receive a sticker in your passport or written notification that your visa has been approved.

  • Arriving in the UK

Plan your travel and arrival in the UK according to the dates on your visa. When crossing the border, be prepared to provide all necessary documents and answer any questions border guards may have.

Reasons For Visa Refusal

Obtaining a UK Youth Mobility Visa can be a complicated process and unfortunately not all applications are successful. If you have been refused and you believe that the Home Office has made a mistake in processing your application, you have the right to appeal.

Among the most common grounds for refusal of this type of visa are:

  • Suspicions about the applicant’s personal qualities, behavior, and connections that may adversely affect the public welfare.
  • The applicant’s criminal record, taking into account the nature and duration of the sentence, as well as the time that has passed since the offense was committed.
  • Providing misleading or false information in the course of the application.
  • Previous breaches of UK immigration law.
  • Having already previously taken advantage of the Youth Mobility Scheme.
  • Having children under the age of 18 who are dependent on the applicant.
  • The applicant’s current residence in the UK.

If you decide to appeal, you have 28 days from the date you receive the refusal. Your appeal letter should clearly and reasonably set out the reasons why you think the decision was wrong. Once you have appealed, it is advisable to be prepared to wait between 3 and 6 months for a new decision.